Monday, March 21, 2011

the first leg: Africa

Apparently, not many people even know what I'm doing, so I'm posting my route map for Africa. However, this doesn't include Kilimanjaro, which will be the first way of many that I try to get myself killed. Kidding! That could very well happen at a hash bar on my layover in Amsterdam. Kidding again! I took D.A.R.E. very seriously in sixth grade. Plus (sadly), my layover isn't long enough to leave the airport.

And not to worry—my friend told me that his friend is an experienced mountaineer, and he described Kilimanjaro as a "Gentleman's Climb." As a lady, I hope this won't upset my delicate sensibilities. But as resident of San Francisco, I just remembered that I no longer have any. So it's a moot point. And hopefully an easy seven-day stroll.

Anyway, the general plan: Kenya>Tanzania>Kenya>Uganda>Kenya again>Tanzania again>Malawi>Zambia>Zimbabwe>Botswana>Namibia>
South Africa

That's it! (I'll save the grand unveiling of the next leg for another post. But yes, there's more to come.)

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