Sunday, July 17, 2011


My friend's Dad measures his success as a parent by the company his daughter keeps. He says friends are a reflection of self, and you can't have quality friends if you, yourself, are a bad person. This makes me feel that I must be doing something right in life because I always manage to be surrounded by the loveliest, kindest, most generous people. And this post is dedicated to one of my all-time favorites.

Today, after a month of African adventures, I had to say goodbye to Melissa. It seems like only yesterday that she arrived bearing tinctures, fiber bars, and the world's best sense of humor. She's been the person I've turned to, not only in Africa, but in everyday life over the past five years in San Francisco. She staved off my early loneliness in a new city. She encouraged me to go new places and try new things. And she's been an unfailingly supportive friend since day one, which is especially impressive considering that on day one, I was incredibly drunk and obnoxious on the SF Addy Awards party boat.

So, Melissa, thanks for a great five years across three continents. Have a safe journey home. And know that someone in Africa is missing you. I look forward to seeing you back in SF and again next year in New Zealand.

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