Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Wild kingdom gone wild

Ok. This is gonna have to be short and sweet. Ugandan internet is kiiiiiiiiilling me. So slow.

I'm currently in Jinja, the supposed source of the Nile (though there's been some rumblings that it's actually somewhere in Rwanda). Tomorrow morning I'm getting up at the crack of dawn to go white water rafting--level 5 rapids, which is a bit scary. I promise to hold on tight.

Spent a lot of time on the road getting here, but a highlight on the way was Nakuru National Park in Kenya--and the purpose of this post. Right off the bat, I was all girly giggly over the baboons at the park entrance...up until the point when they turned insane and started stealing people's lunch and climbing through the roof of our sarfari bus. They're actually kind of scary little beasts. I went from, "Oh! So adorable" to "RAAAABIESSSSS" in a nano-second. A couple started chasing me because they thought my wet wipes were food. (Yes, wet wipes feature in many an African story.) I almost didn't even make it to the squat toilet to use them, I was so freaked out.

Anywho, the safari was OTT amazing. I saw zebras having sex. Lions having sex. Baboon not quite having sex. It was a little bit embarrassing, to be honest with you. Such private moments all caught on camera. I felt like a pervy voyeur (spelling? spell check doesn't work here). Other highlights: hundreds of thousands of pink flamingos, rhinos, giraffes, water buffalo, a leopard stalking a herd of impala (we were mere minutes from bloodshed, I'm sure), and more that I can't even recall at the mo.

And now someone wants this crap computer, so I gots to go. Love and miss you all. Leave comments. Send me emails. Think positive thoughts. So much more to say, but it'll have to wait 'til later.

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